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Selected Works

Boleslavova 3Residential project

Boleslavova 3Rezidenční projekt

Lihovar. TrigemaResidential district

Lihovar. TrigemaRezidenční čtvrť

Šárka. CrestylResidential destination

Šárka. CrestylRezidenční destinace

Dornych. CrestylMixed-use destination

Dornych. CrestylMixed-use destinace



Lexxus NortonLuxury Real Estate Brokerage

Lexxus NortonLuxusní realitní kancelář



Vanguard. PSNApartment building

Vanguard. PSNApartmány

DRN. SavillsOffice building / Trophy Asset

DRN. SavillsOffice budova / Trophy asset

Valen & MasarLuxury brand

Valen & MasarLuxusní značka

JN8. ECEBoutique office building

JN8. ECEBoutique office budova

Al Wadi. Public Investment FundMixed-use destination

Al Wadi. Public Investment FundMixed-use destinace

Fragment. TrigemaResidential project

Fragment. TrigemaRezidenční projekt

Olympia. CPIRetail

Olympia. CPIRetail
